Events 2022

SPT 2017

Event 1 – Biatch

5 rounds :
600/500m Ski
20 Toes to bar unbroken
(50m penalties for each break)

Cap 18min

Event 2 – Jack Reacher

Every 3 min until you complete 150 wall-ball

20/15 Wall-ball
10 C2B/pull-ups
Max wall-ball @9/6kg

Cap 15min

Event 3 – Lift Off

For total weight

3 attempt snatch
3 attempt clean and jerk

Event 4 – Dumbbells Heaven

10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 :
DB devils press 2x @20/15kg
HSPU with DB (carry the DB between press station and the HSPU)

Cap 10min


Max cal bike

CAP 2min

Final – Tommy V

21 Thruster @50/35kg
12 Rope climb

15 Thruster @50/35kg
9 Rope climb

9 Thruster @50/35kg
6 Rope climb

CAP 17min