Events 2019

SPT 2019

Event 1 – Basics

In 3 min :
Max distance mètres cumulés HS walk
Rest 1min

In 3 min :
Max distance mètres D-Ball Carry@50/35kg
Rest 1min

For time :
suicide sprints
CAP 3min

Total CAP 9min

Event 2 – Upside Down 

5 rounds :
6 Burpees to pullover
8 Under-over
10 T2Ring
4 D-Ball over box @50/35kg

CAP 12min

Event 3 – Triathlon Concept

For Time :
2km Ski Erg
20km Bike Concept 2
5km Run

CAP 2h

Event 4 – Ladder

50s On / 10s Off (rotation) :
5 Burpees (no jump, only hips extension)
then 1 Ground to Overhead (tiebreak with max deadlift at last weight)
@60/40 – 70/45 – 75/50 – 80/55 – 85/60 – 90/65 – 95/67,5 – 100/70 – 105/72,5 – 110/75 – 115/77,5 – 120/80 – 125/82,5 – 130/85 – 135/87,5 – 140/90

CAP 17min

Event 5 – Only Your Body Weight

50/40cal Row
40 Pistol
30 High box jump (30/24inch)
20 Hand stand push-up (homme deficit : 10cm)
10 Bar muscle-up
30 High box jump
40 Pistol
50/40cal Row

CAP 16 min

Event 6 – Mix The Girls

12-9-6 Thruster @60/45 21-15-9
Ring push ups

CAP 5 min 


15/12 cal Bike
50 Double-unders
15 Chest to bar
50 Wall ball @20/14
15 Double DB snatch @20/15
50 Toes to bar
15 DB Shoulder to overhead
15m DB walking lunge (with DB on shoulders)

In 3 min max reps
REST 1min

In 6 min max reps
REST 2min

For Time try to finish the wod with
CAP 12 min