Events 2018

SPT 2017

Event 1 – Mattehorn Express

For time:
1000m Ski Erg

CAP 5min

Event 2 – Ass On Fire


AMRAP 10min :
20 wallball @9/6kg
7.5m walking lunges overhead DB @22.5/15kg
20 DB snatch @22.5/15kg
7.5m walking lunges overhead DB @22.5/15kg

Event 3 – Fran Tour

For time :
Assault bike
C2B / Pull-up

CAP 5min

Event 4 – Crossfit Total II

Max 1RM Clean in 6min
Rest 1min

Max 1RM Bench press in 6min
Rest 1min
Max 1RM Overhead squat from the rack in 6min

Event 5 – Hurry Up

For time :
5x Shoulder over with slamball @70/40kg
4x 10m shuttle sprint
25 shoots gun

CAP 2min

Event 6 – 5.11

For time :
3 rounds with Plate Carrier 5.11 @9/6kg
20/17 cal Row
15 Burpees Box Jump
10 KB swing US @32/24kg
5 Rope climb

CAP 15min

Final – Amanda

For time:
Snatch @60/40kg
Ring MU

CAP 5min
Rest 3min

DIANE For time:
Deadlift @100/70kg